«Temirzhol Zhondeu» LLP


Мeeting the needs of JSC NK KTZh and JSC NK KazAvtoZhol for the construction of new railway lines and highways, and their high-quality and timely repair.


  • Effective partnership with JSC NK KTZh and JSC NK KazAvtoZhol, which improves contracting conditions and reduces risks of both parties;
  • In terms of the expansion of the main business - reasonable diversification based on key competencies;
  • Result-based management system by business type and personal responsibility of business unit managers;
  • Corporate culture focused on market results and well-functioning business processes.


  • Development of the existing business model;
  • Business diversification;
  • Optimization of the organizational model and management systems.



  1. The company is the one of the leaders among enterprises engaged in the construction and repair of railways, having a sufficient material base and highly qualified employs. The strategic objective of the company is to maintain a leading position among similar enterprises in the Republic of Kazakhstan and diversify business, including in the field of construction and repair of roads.
  2. The company as an enterprise providing high-quality services not only on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, but also abroad, is constantly striving to expand the geography of its presence and enter new international markets.
  3. «Temirzhol Zhondeu» uses only modern high-performance track and road equipment, lifting mechanisms, carries out earthworks, uses non-metallic materials, and also various types of energy.
  4. The continuous increase in energy prices, the tightening of requirements for energy efficiency and energy conservation, the growth of environmental problems and the depletion of non-renewable natural resources, the responsibility of the enterprise for ensuring healthy working conditions require the Company to take a systematic approach to managing quality, environmental aspects, health hazards for employees and energy efficiency.
  5. «Temirzhol Zhondeu» is guided by the following principles:
    ◈ High quality and efficiency of labor is the basis for the economic prosperity of the Company and employees;
    ◈ Focus on full customer satisfaction and regulatory and technical documentation;
    ◈ The desire to do work without harming the health of our workers and the environment;
    ◈ Prevention of injuries to employees and environmental pollution in places of work performance is the main task of management and production personnel;
    ◈ Compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, application of standards and rules in the field of environmental protection, energy saving, improving energy efficiency and protecting the health of employees;
    ◈ Ensuring energy efficiency of the designed technological processes and equipment;
    ◈ Ensuring the selection of suppliers and the procurement of equipment and services taking into account established criteria for energy efficiency;
    ◈ Ensuring the availability and availability of information and all necessary resources to achieve energy and environmental, quality and health goals, objectives and objectives;
    ◈ Ensuring the openness and availability of information on the Company's activities in the field of energy saving and environmental protection.
  6. The management of the Company undertakes to constantly improve the integrated management system, increasing its effectiveness and efficiency.